
Self-employed as Storebox Franchisee

You want to start your own business, but you're still looking for the right business idea? Then let's join forces! Become a Storebox franchisee. Open your very own Storebox and be part of our success story!

Lagerabteile Selbständig mit Storebox Franchise
Lagerabteile Selbständig mit Storebox Franchisefr-bg-header

Self-employed as Storebox Franchisee

You want to start your own business, but you're still looking for the right business idea? Then let's join forces! Become a Storebox franchisee. Open your very own Storebox and be part of our success story!

Unsere Expert:innen beantworten Ihre Fragen


In einem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch beantworten wir gerne Ihre Fragen und besprechen die Schritte zu Ihrer Storebox.


Mehr über Storebox Franchise und aktuelle Themen sowie Antworten auf Ihre Fragen in unserem monatlichen Live-Webinar.

Open your own self-storage location














Von einem etablierten System profitieren

As Europe's first provider of digitalised self-storage services, we have succeeded in capturing the spirit of the times and creating a solution for the ever-increasing shortage of space in urban centres. Become a Storebox franchisee. Be part of our success story and open your very own self-storage location. Discover our Storebox locations near you <a href=%s class="text-underline" target="_blank">here</a>.

Die Vorteile von Storebox Franchise


Die Vorteile von Storebox Franchise

Smartes Geschäftsmodell

  • add Etabliertes System & Standortnetzwerk
  • add Geringe Investition & schnelle Rendite
  • add Boomende Branche & leicht skalierbar

Nebenberuflich selbstständig

  • add Nebenerwerb & ohne Personalbedarf
  • add Automatisierte Prozesse & smartes Intranet
  • add Persönliche Beratung & Wissensaustausch

Mutual support leads to joint success

As our franchisee, we will assist you on your way to self-employment: from setting up your business to selecting and applying for a location. Our franchise system thrives on cooperation in a spirit of partnership and mutual commitment.

step 1
step 2

Your path to self-employment

By becoming a franchisee, you can easily set up your own business on a part-time basis with low investment costs, a manageable workload, and personal advice from our franchise team.

Properties & locations for your franchise project

You don't need your own property to become a franchisee, because we'll take care of finding a suitable location and setting it up. Our experts will select an ideal Storebox location for you based on both your and our requirements. If you are a property owner and would like to rent out your location, you can check here whether your property meets our specific requirements.

step 3

As our franchisee, we will assist you on your way to self-employment: from setting up your business to selecting and applying for a location. Our franchise system thrives on cooperation in a spirit of partnership and mutual commitment.

By becoming a franchisee, you can easily set up your own business on a part-time basis with low investment costs, a manageable workload, and personal advice from our franchise team.

You don't need your own property to become a franchisee, because we'll take care of finding a suitable location and setting it up. Our experts will select an ideal Storebox location for you based on both your and our requirements. If you are a property owner and would like to rent out your location, you can check here whether your property meets our specific requirements.

Unsere Services

Digitalisiertes Selfstorage
our services step 1
Buche dein
Lagerabteil online
our services step 2
Zutritt via
individuellem Code
our services step 3
Beginne mit
dem Einlagern
Buche dein
Lagerabteil online
Zutritt via
individuellem Code
Beginne mit
dem Einlagern
our services
our services step 1our services step 2our services step 3

Als ‟dein Lager nebenan”, bietet Storebox flexibel mietbare Lagerfläche im städtischen Raum. Lagerabteile können online gebucht werden, sind mittels Zutrittscode 24/7 zugänglich, videoüberwacht und versichert.

Der Buchungsprozess ist komplett digitalisiert und Abteile können unmittelbar nach Buchung betreten werden.

Storebox Last Mile LogisticsStorebox Last Mile Logistics

Storebox Last Mile Logistics

Unsere dezentrale Lagerinfrastruktur ermöglicht innovative Logistiklösungen für Firmenkunden, welche zu erheblichen Effizienzsteigerungen auf der letzten Meile der Logistik beitragen können.

What our Franchise Partners say

Enquire now

tablet showing storebox page

Please submit the form to get more information about the Storebox franchise system. You will receive an email with download link to the factsheet.